Monday, April 20, 2009

Cover Story of Yahoo: Mamma's Angry!

I just got done reading the cover story on and I cannot believe what I read it got me in such a frenzy that I had to come right here and blog, blog, blog. The title read "Some Families Feel Poor on $250,000 a year" my reply is "come the F' on! The mother in the story (who considers herself middle class) goes on to complain that she would like a bigger house other than the 2500 sqft one the family of five is living in now, and that their monthly income is $12,000 but after taxes, medical, 401K and their two mortgages one for their primary home and one for their vacation home which combine equal $4000 a month there isn't much left for wants. UGH, I would love to take this lady into my home for a week and make her realize that she's got it pretty darn good!

I have a family of five and we live in a 1700 sqft house and live on one income as I stay home with our kids and our income is about half what that ungrateful woman makes by herself. Would I love a bigger house, sure, would I love a vacation home, sure, would I love to make a combined income of $250,000 a year, absolutely but this day and age I'm thankful to have a roof over my head, food on my table and decent clothes on our backs as so many (in our own country) don't.

What do you think? Click Here for the story.


Anonymous Bloggette said...

I don't make 6 digits a year with 2 incomes. Thanks Military :(... This lady needs to look around and be thankful for what she has. It's people like that that make me wonder if I'm in the right profession

Anonymous Bloggette said...

Left something for you on my blog!

Tipsy Nikki said...

I can't stand how entitled our society has become. These people are delusional. If you need extra cash, sell the vacation home. Or try just being thankful you can afford a vacation home. I don't know many middle class families that can. Maybe if they looked outside their bubble and see the world for what it really is they'd be more appreciative for what they have.

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